Bug #5

Bug Title:

Difficult to snatch Unicorns

Bug Details:

The latest update has made it near impossible to snatch any unicorns, even with excellent throws.

I can barely make out the little circle anymore!

It's like the game was catered for large screen devices, like tablets. I use an S7 Edge and the snatch-area displayed on screen is a nightmare. Please revert!

Also, the game is still as glitchy as ever, and nothing positive has come out of it. I can live without the quick snatch for Android, but the extreme downsize to the snatch sequence leaves a lot to be desired.

Wish I can go on...


5 years, 6 months



21 JULY, 2019
@16:15 (UTC)


Charlotte Charlotte
Olivia Olivia
Vincent Vincent
Quinn Quinn
Ethan Ethan
Thomas Thomas

Comments (3)

  • Benjamin Benjamin | 21JUL19 @17:55-UTC ( 5 years, 6 months ago )

    I also use the S7 Edge but I don't have this problem. Strange!

  • Charlotte Charlotte | 21JUL19 @18:01-UTC ( 5 years, 6 months ago )

    Oh no, really?! I'll get my boyfriend look at my phone tonight. He's super smart!

  • admin admin | 22JUL19 @20:41-UTC ( 5 years, 5 months ago )

    @Charlotte - any luck? Really bizarre, and we're hoping just a fluke accident! Let us know!

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